Occupational Health and Safety

A proactive and responsive Occupational Health & Safety Program exists at MEIH that promotes a culture of safety by screening, managing and treating work-related injuries, illnesses and exposures to occupational hazards. This program is overseen by professionals and integrates the efforts of management, administration, and hospital’s departments’ heads, and all healthcare workers.

The Occupational Health & Safety Program aims at creating a safe, hazard free and healthy work environment for protecting employers , Medical staff, Hospital Staff /healthcare workers, family members, visitors and many others who might be affected by the workplace environment. This program is committed to the provision of professional occupational health services by protecting all employees from possible adverse health effects of work, and providing appropriate medical care to the injured Healthcare workers.  

The goal of Occupational Health & Safety Program is to make staff feel safe and to know that management is concerned about their welfare. It also, aims at identifying workplace hazards and determining associated risks in order to take appropriate safety and corrective measures to improve employee satisfaction and performance. Furthermore it empowers specialized skills and knowledge for developing safety policies and procedures used to protect employees and training healthcare professionals and individuals to be capable of working without harm to themselves and others.